jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Outfits for men

Esta entrada la hemos querido dedicar a looks para hombre, es la primera que hacemos y esperemos que te sirva de utilidad, ya que aunque hay muchos para mujer, no hay tantos para hombre. En los tres looks que hemos escogido predominan los colores azules y el blanco, porque nos gusta mucho como combinan, sobre todo en verano. 
¡Esperamos que te gusten!

We have wanted to dedicate this post to outfits for men, it's the first one we do and we hope it's useful for you as long as there are a lot for women but not so many for men. In the three outfits we have chosen, dark blue and white are the predominant colours because we love how they match, even more in summer.
We hope you enjoy them!

Las prendas seleccionadas en el primer outfit son: / The items selected for the first outfit are:
  • Camiseta / T-Shirt (Zara)-9,95€
  • Jeans (Zara)-39,95€
  • Camisa / Shirt (Zara)-25,95€
  • Gafas / Sunglasses (Ray Ban)-149€
  • Superga-54,83€

Las prendas seleccionadas en el segundo outfit son: / The items selected for the second outfit are:
  • Camiseta / T-Shirt (Mango)-19,99€
  • Parka (Mango)-89,99€
  • Jeans (Mango)-49,99€
  • Bolsa / Bag (Jack Wills)-85€
  • Converse-79,95€

Las prendas seleccionadas en el tercer outfit son: / The items selected for the third outfit are:
  • Camiseta / T-Shirt (Mango)-19,99€
  • Jeans (Zara)-25,95€
  • Mochila / Rucksack (Jack Wills)-49€
  • Gafas / Sunglasses (Ray Ban)-139€
  • Converse-74,95€

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi girls!
    Thank you so much for dedicating a post for men! I found it very useful.
    Second outfit is the one I like most but with any t-shift from Loreak Mendian instead.
    I did not know Jack Wills backpacks.

  2. Hi John!
    You're welcome, and we are so happy that you've liked it. If you want us to make any other special post you just have to ask for it xx.

    Inés and Lucía.
